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Things You Need to Calm Your Stress and Anxiety

Have you ever been in a situation where you experienced undue stress and anxiety? You were away from your support system and didn’t have access to the tools necessary to alleviate your symptoms.

This is where a stress and anxiety relief kit can be beneficial. Carrying one around with you can give you access to tools that can calm and soothe that panic and stress.

Here is a guide to help you create a personalized stress and anxiety relief kit so you are prepared for your next panic attack.

What is a Stress and Anxiety Kit

A stress and anxiety relief kit is a collection of physical objects, reminders, or activities that help you stay grounded and calm when experience anxiety, panic, or stress.

These objects should be small and easy to carry around with you. They should be personalized to your needs and be physically or mentally soothing. This kit will help to relieve or calm that stress and anxiety when you can’t get the support you need.

Why You Need a Stress and Anxiety Kit

Have you ever experienced a situation where you were feeling anxious or under extreme stress? You were most likely away from your safe place, maybe at work or school, and not able to access the support you need.

You may have difficulty trying to cope and unsure about what you can do to manage it. This is where a stress and anxiety relief kit can help to relieve that stress and anxiety and bring yourself back into a calm, comfortable state known as the window of tolerance, and help you get on with your day.

If you experience situations like this regularly, having an anxiety stress relief kit to carry around with you can be beneficial. It also gives you the tools necessary to manage those challenges that life will throw at you so you can carry on with your day.

Benefits of a Stress and Anxiety Kit

  • quick and simple relief from stress and anxiety

  • prevents you from resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms

  • is personalized to your needs

  • portable so you can bring it with you anywhere you go

How to Create a Stress and Anxiety Kit

Homemade stress and anxiety relief kit are simple and easy to make. Focus on what ways you currently cope with anxiety or stress and find anti-stress items that can help counteract those behaviors.

Identify Your Responses and Behaviors

Start with trying to identify what happens to you when you experience that anxiety or stress. There are two main categories of responses known as hyperarousal or hypoarousal.

Hyperarousal consists of your body being over-activated and you may experience fight or flight responses:

  • angry

  • defensive

  • evade

  • sabotage

Hypoarousal consists of your body being shut down and you may experience freeze responses:

  • emotional numbness

  • detachment

  • physical shutdown

  • stop eating

If you are unsure about what responses you experience, here is an awareness worksheet to help you identify them.

By recognizing how you react to stress and anxiety, you can personalize your kit for your specific needs.

Things You Need in Your Kit

When thinking of things to relieve anxiety, think about the two main categories of response: hyperarousal and hypoarousal.

Hyperarousal is when you are over-activated so try to think of things that will calm you down. While hypoarousal is when your body shuts down so things that will activate your body will help.

Things That Will Calm Your Stress and Anxiety

Think about things that help calm you down to make you feel relaxed. This will help calm your anxiety when you feel a heightened sense of arousal due to stress and anxiety.

Soothing or Relaxing Music

Having a pre-made playlist of soothing, relaxing music or natural sounds on your phone makes it quick and easy to listen to.

Clickable Pen

Clicking a pen can be soothing for some people. It can relieve tension and stress for a calming effect.

Tea Packets

Tea can help relax and calm you down so having a couple of packets in your kit is great. There are a variety of teas for stress and anxiety such as:

  • chamomile: calm and stress-soothing

  • lavender: mood-stabilizing effects

  • peppermint: reduces feelings of frustration, anxiety, and fatigue

  • green tea: reduces anxiety

Bubble Wrap

Popping bubble wrap is great for relieving tension and stress.

Ear Plugs or Noise Canceling Headphones

If you’re in a noisy environment and feeling over-activated, blocking out that sound with earplugs or noise-canceling headphones can help calm you down.

Essential Oils

Inhaling the scent of essential oils provides a natural remedy to relieve stress and anxiety. There are various essential oils such as:

  • lavender: calms your body and mind

  • peppermint: cools you down and opens airways for breathing

  • jasmine: calms your nervous system without causing sleepiness

  • lemongrass: promotes relaxation and reduces symptoms of anxiety

Meditation Beads

Also known as Mala beads, used during meditation practice. You turn each bead individually with your middle finger and thumb, slowly making your way to the next bead. Complete one full breath for each bead and keep going until you get to the guru bead.

Water Bottle

Dehydration leads to higher cortisol (stress hormone). It is important to regularly stay hydrated. Taking a drink of water can help you cool down and make you feel calm.

Things That Will Activate Yourself

Start with the five senses and try to come up with things that can activate or stimulate each of them. These items will help you activate your body when you are feeling shut down or numb.

Remember, it’s important to only choose the ones you will be comfortable with or enjoy using. Here are some suggestions, pick at least one item for each of the five senses.

1. Sight

  • playlist of funny videos on your phone

  • photo album of your favorite pictures on your phone

  • kaleidoscope

  • hourglass

2. Hearing

  • playlist of music you enjoy

  • audiobooks on your phone

3. Smell

  • essential oils

  • scented candles

  • scratch and sniff stickers

4. Taste

  • chewing gum

  • peppermint candy

  • a healthy snack such as a granola bar

  • water bottle

5. Touch

  • stress ball

  • fidget toy

  • small puzzle toy

Other Things to Have in Your Kit

There are other things to reduce anxiety that are important to have in your stress and anxiety relief kit.

Reminder cards

Reminder cards can help you check in on yourself for basic things that can but easy to forget. These cards can include reminders about:

  • taking deep breathes

  • getting outside

  • staying hydrated

  • having a snack

  • goto a quiet place

  • think of things you’re grateful for

  • challenging negative thoughts

Pre-Written Note or Letter

Write a note or letter to yourself that provides positive affirmations or encouragement. Read this letter to yourself to provide a boost of positive emotions.

Journal or Notebook

Journal your thoughts, emotions, or anything you are struggling with to help clear your mind and process emotions in a positive way. Here is a guide to journaling for your mental health.

Sketchbook or Coloring Book

Doodle or color to help destress your mind and relieve some of that built-up tension.

Favorite Book

Reading your favorite book can help calm you down and increase positive emotions.

Pre-Made Mental Health Kits

Although not ideal, if you prefer there are pre-made mental health crisis kits available for purchase. They won’t be personalized to your needs like DIY stress relief kits, but they have the basics every kit should have.

Panic Anxiety Stress Support Kit (PASS)

The PASS kit is one of the best pre-made mental health kits available. The idea came because first aid kits are available for medical emergencies, so why not one for panic attacks.

This can be very helpful with those who experience anxiety in public situations. Although this is not a cure, it can certainly help reduce symptoms when a panic attack, anxiety, or extreme stress occurs.

What’s Inside the Kit

The PASS kit includes various stress relief items most people can benefit from:

  1. Stress Toy to release tension in your muscles and promote relaxation

  2. Re+Minder Cards which give quick mental heal advice and reminders in times of need

  3. Ear Plugs to lower background noise

  4. Eye Mask to block out irritating light for better rest

  5. Chewing Gum to discourage mindless eating for those trying to break a habit

Re+Minder Cards

Reminder cards consist of tips and reminders of daily things that can help you reduce the chances of anxiety or stress occurring.

The reminder cards include five key areas to target:

  1. Your Body: If your body isn’t reacting normally, did you get enough sleep or enough to eat?

  2. Your Mind: Are you feeling the stress or pressure, do you need to calm your mind?

  3. You & Them: Are you comparing yourself to another person’s success?

  4. Your Feelings: How you are feeling about yourself?

  5. Your Lifestyle: What are your habits and decisions like?

When your anxiety or stress level is at the low-medium range and you are still able to recognize that something maybe is not right. You would have an opportunity to use these cards to help with that situation.

I would recommend going through the tips and reminders to familiarize yourself with them. This is so you do not spend a lot of time trying to read and understand them when you need them.

The Re+Minder cards can be purchased separately and I would highly recommend this if you already have a personalized mental health kit.

Create Your Stress and Anxiety Kit Today

When you create your mental health kit, start with identifying your responses and behavior caused by stress and anxiety.

Focus on symptoms of hyperarousal and hypoarousal to understand what happens to you to identify how best you can cope.

  • Hyperarousal is when you are over-activated

  • Hypoarousal is when your body is shutdown

Once you’ve identified your symptoms you can find items for:

  1. Things that will calm you down (when hyperaroused)

  2. Things that will activate your body and senses (when hypoaroused)

Put these items into a small pouch, bag, or box to carry with you everywhere you go. This makes it easy to access your stress and anxiety kit when you need it most.

If you have a friend or family that you think could benefit from a stress and anxiety kit, feel free to share this guide with them so they can create their personalized kit today.